For only being 28 days long, February certainly seems to be the longest month of the year.  There are no outside Winter activities that I truly enjoy. To me, snowmobiling is comparable to riding around in the freezing cold, in a convertible, with the top down.  I have gone ice fishing before, but decided it wasn’t worth trekking across the frozen tundra to sit in a shanty and drink beer.

But because I have been cursing and kicking about February my entire life, I have decided that within this blog, I will try to put a positive spin on it!

This February, think about all the projects that you have coming up first thing this Spring. By placing your orders for these projects now, and seeing that truck filled with bright colored (or black) pipe pull into the yard, it will make all of us feel that much closer to Spring.  Having the pipe on hand will reassure you that you will be ready to start your first project as soon as the weather clears and the sun starts to warm the Winter days (and unfreeze the ground).

It will be here before you know it! 7 more weeks ……. I know I feel better!

In closing, basically February is a slow month and we need the work!


– Barry