The blog I wrote at the end of February mentioned that I wanted March to go out like a lion! Just thirty-one days ago I was discussing the plastic pipe and telecommunication industry starting to take off for Spring. I was referring to ordering lots and lots of conduit. The business “Lion”.

Now we are at the end of March, it is not going out like a “lion”, but more like the worst possible monster any of us have experienced in our lifetimes. The coronavirus has basically taken over our country and the world!

We that work and support the communications industry have been deemed “essential” so we are lucky enough to continue at our jobs. Everyone here at Creek Plastics will continue to make ourselves available to fill the needs that arise, as long as our leaders say we can!

Any business, industry, countries, even empires are run by people. We are the main asset! We need to protect all our assets by doing everything in our power to remain safe and healthy. So that when this Monster subsides we can pick up our lives and try to get back to some form of normality.

Put people first! We are doing it here and hopefully, you are doing it there. We need our people to build the pipe that helps support the communications industry!!

Let’s be smart, follow CDC recommendations and get through this! I am optimistic that May’s blog will be more upbeat and deal with us selling you HDPE pipe again!!