Weather wise March is coming in like a lion and I am betting it will go out like a lamb this year. It has been about the coldest February in history. Last week in Tecumseh, on Thursday morning, the temperature was 16 degrees. 16 degrees is pretty cold until you realize it was 36 degrees warmer than the day before, when it was 20 below.


Luckily, on that 20 below morning, I was in sunny and warm Wisconsin where it only got down to 9 below!!  So I had that going for me!

Business wise, I feel the need to use the term “polar” opposite (it’s a cold theme!). March is limping in like a lamb… we have work, but could always use more. The thing that is exciting is that we fully expect it to “roar” out like a lion! Spring means digging can commence. Projects can get underway!

Truckloads of pipe will be departing from Tecumseh and heading towards projects all over the Midwest and beyond!!……. Let us help you. How can we best do it? What do you need? Our goal is to get the pipe where you want it, when you need it!  Let’s all have an early and great Spring!!

