Boy it seems that 2021 is flying by. Unless of course, you are still waiting for HDPE pipe! The demand for our HDPE pipe this year has been unbelievable! Our inventory is depleted and our schedules are still 13 to 14 weeks.

One thing to consider when asking for HDPE pipe is to have flexibility on the specifications. We might not have exactly what you need but if something close would work, consider it. That is what we would recommend.

October is usually the month when we get a lot of 1 or 2 reel orders to complete jobs from the Summer. This is a concern for lack of inventory. I am the optimist that says we should be back to normal going into early 2022.

That opinion is mine and I have heard others think this year is going to be the way of the future headed into 2022. It’s a mystery.

Enjoy the Fall season and Happy Halloween.
